How to Make Phone Screen Smooth for Gaming?

When you are playing a game on your phone, the mobile screen becomes very rough, due to which the screen works when rubbed too much, as a result of which the experience of playing the game is not as good.

Don’t know this, we try different types of methods to make the screen work smooth, but the mobile screen does not work so well and the hand does not move quickly due to being too dirty.

How to Make Phone Screen Smooth for Gaming
How to Make Phone Screen Smooth for Gaming

Due to this, neither does it feel good to play the game nor does the gaming experience get good. In such a situation, in today’s article, I will tell you that How to Make Phone Screen Smooth for Gaming?

How to Make Phone Screen Smooth for Gaming?

 To make your phone screen more smooth, here I am going to tell you some ways that you try, so I can say with the claim that when you are playing any game, the mobile screen will work very smooth.

So let’s know without any delay that How to Make Phone Screen Smooth for Gaming: –

High Refresh Rate Setting

There are many such mobile phones in which you get a refresh rate of 120hz but the default in mobile is 19c. If you run any mobile at 120hz then the display of the mobile works very smoothly.

If you buy a cheap phone or you have a cheap phone, then you get only 60hz, which works well for the mobile screen and here you will not get to see so much smoothness.

Use Gaming Tempered Glass

We install any normal tempered glass on the screen of our mobile, but any normal tempered glass does not work smoothly for a long time, as a result of which the hand does not slip much and there is no fun in playing the game.

In recent times, gaming tempered glass has come into the market, which is much better than normal tempered glass and when you apply a gaming tempered glass on your mobile screen, then the mobile screen will work very smooth here.

And if the mobile screen works very smooth, then your gaming experience will also be good and you will be able to play the game without any problem. You can also buy gaming tempered glass online and it doesn’t cost much.

Use Finger Sleeves

In the present time, finger sleeves are available at a very low price, which if you play any game by wearing it on your fingers, then the mobile screen will work very smoothly and you will be able to move your fingers very fast.

The price of Finger Sleeves comes only from ₹ 20 to ₹ 30, which you can buy online or in the offline market as well, but if you play any game by wearing it in your fingers, then your gaming experience is going to be very good.

The fabric used in Finger Sleeves is very smooth and light, when you wear it, you will not even feel that you are wearing something in your fingers and when you play any game by wearing it. You will not even feel like this and you will get a good gaming experience

Clean Your Phone Screen

Sometimes what happens is that dust keeps sitting on the screen of our phone and while playing games, that dust comes on the mobile screen through our hands, due to which the tempered glass of the mobile screen becomes very rough and rough.

As a result of which the screen of the mobile stops working smoothly. That’s why you should always keep your phone screen clean so that it can work very smoothly. For this sprinkle 1-2 drops of water on the phone screen then clean it with a cotton cloth.

If you do this also, then your mobile screen will work very smooth for a long time and while playing any game, your fingers will move very fast.

Use Powder for Instant Smoothness

If you play games like pubg, bgmi, free fire or COD, here your fingers have to move very fast and in such a situation, if the mobile screen does not work fast, then it is not so good to play the game.

In such a situation, the best and trickiest way is to take a little powder and sprinkle it on your display and blow on it. By doing this some cones of powder will sit on the mobile display, so that when you move your fingers, it will slide too much. 

By doing this, you will be able to move your fingers very fast for some time, so that you will get good experience and you will be able to play the game well. You will have to do this over and over again though, only then will you be able to play for a long time.


In today’s article, we learned that How to Make Phone Screen Smooth for Gaming, and we also learned some of its methods and I hope you liked this article.  You can also share this with your friends who play a lot of games.

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