How Much Data Does Mobile Gaming Use?

If you play any online game, then a question must have come to your mind: how much data does mobile gaming use, that is, how much MB is lost while playing that game.

By the way, there are both offline and online games and if you play offline games, then your data does not end in it, whereas if you play online games, then it is necessary to have internet on and it costs your mobile data.

How Much Data Does Mobile Gaming Use
How Much Data Does Mobile Gaming Use

In such a situation, today we are going to tell you in this article that if you play any online game, then on an average, how much data does it consume on your mobile, then without any delay, let us know how much data does mobile gaming use.

How Much Data Does Mobile Gaming Use? 

When we play any online game, it is connected to the internet and that is why it consumes our mobile data to keep us connected online. If your data is exhausted then you will be disconnected from online and you will not be able to play any online game.

Therefore, to play online games, you should have data in your mobile and how much data should be there so that you can play any online game for a long time without any problem.

It depends on which online game you are playing. If you play a game with high graphics, then on average it will cost you 80 MB to 250 MB in 1 hour, the same if you are playing a game whose graphics are not high, then it will spend only 40 to 100 MB of data on an average.

This means that if you play good games that have good graphics quality, then more data is going to be spent in them, while if you are playing games whose graphics quality is not so good, then less data will be spent in them.

Apart from this, when a new update comes in an online game, it also consumes data to update it and sometimes this update starts happening automatically and your mobile data is consumed without knowing it.

How Much Data Does Gaming Use on Hotspot? 

By the way, as much data as a game pulls from your mobile SIM card, as much data as from WiFi, but sometimes the setting of a game is in such a way that when your device is connected to WiFi, it will give you the graphics of the game in Full HD shows due to which more data is spent.

If you play a game by connecting WiFi, then it costs more data, but it does not cost so much that you know that yes, more data is being spent now.


In today’s article, let us know that when an online game is played on a device, then how much data is spent from your mobile while playing that online game and I sincerely hope that you have understood this information.

If you still want to ask any other information related to this article, you want to tell us, then you can comment below here. Apart from this, if you have any questions related to gaming, then you can comment or I will write a dedicated article on them. 

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